Every four years, preliminary to the U.S. presidential elections, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issues a voter guide, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. It is an effort to provide Catholics with a moral framework for their voting decisions. The document is not based on "personalities or partisanship, the latest news cycle or what's trending on social media." Instead, it reflects on the role of the Church to proclaim "timeless principles: the infinite worth and dignity of every human life, the common good, solidarity, and subsidiarity." Stretching and forming a conscience, the document insists, can bring peace.
I plan to share some of the insights and teachings of this document in this space in the weeks ahead. Hopefully, a review of the important teachings of our Catholic tradition, especially in regards to Catholic Social Teaching, can help us make good choices as we deliberate and vote on the candidates who will be leading our nation. Stay tuned ....
Monday, July 8, 2024
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility by the U.S. bishops, is a good primer for us as we prepare for the 2024 elections, which, as we know, includes the election of the President of the United States.
The document reminds Catholics of their responsibility to prepare for their voting by carefully studying the issues that will be addressed (and sometimes not addressed) by the candidates and party platforms. Election seasons, the document tells us, should contain "a certain sense of gratitude and hope." This comes from a recognition of our love for the country and our patriotism. But it also recognizes that recently the elections have become a time of anxiety and spiritual trial, as political rhetoric is increasingly angry and often causes anger, division and hatred.
The bishops in Faithful Citizenship offer a moral framework which seeks to bind these wounds and heal the bitter divisions. "This document is not based on personalities or partisanship, the latest news cycle, or what's trending on social media." Rather, it reflects the role of the Church in public life to proclaim timeless principles such as the infinite worth and dignity of every human life ... (stay tuned).WHY CATHOLICS SHOULD VOTE NO TO THE ERA: On November 5th, New Yorkers will vote to approve or reject the “Equal Rights Amendment,” or “Proposal One,” a vaguely worded, unnecessary, and dangerous amendment to the New York State Constitution that would result in serious negative consequences by expanding “equal protection under the law”. What does the ERA say? *Proposed changes to the constitution in BOLD* “No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws of this state or any subdivision thereof. No person shall, because of race, color, ETHNICITY, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AGE, DISABILITY, creed [or], religion, OR SEX, INCLUDING SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, GENDER EXPRESSION, PREGNANCY, PREGNANCY OUTCOMES, AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCARE AND AUTONOMY, be subjected to any discrimination in THEIR civil rights by any other person or by any firm, corporation, or institution, or by the state or any agency or subdivision of the state, PURSUANT to law.” 1 2 3 4 What can you do? Learn more: https://t.ly/WJwcQ Share this information with other voters Vote NO to the ERA in November! What would the ERA do? 1. Loosen age-appropriate restrictions. Common sense age-restrictions on “sexual freedom” and the potential “right to die” would be endangered. 2. Allow children to make life-altering medical decisions without parental consent. Children experiencing gender confusion would be able to seek gender reassignment therapies and surgeries without parental consent or knowledge. 3. Enshrine abortion up until birth in the New York State Constitution. Abortion limitations to protect women and children would become impossible to pass. Conscience protections of health care professionals and individuals would also be threatened. 4. Erode religious freedom protections. Churches, religious organizations and charitable institutions could lose existing and future protections if they are seen as contrary to these newly created “rights."
Pope Francis, in his document “Hope Does Not Disappoint” declaring next year a Jubilee Year, asks us to “Be one in demanding dignified conditions for those in prison, respect for their human rights and above all the abolition of the death penalty, a provision at odds with Christian faith, and one that eliminates all hope of forgiveness and rehabilitation.”
A step we can take is to speak out for the 40 men in the federal prison system condemned to death. Catholic Mobilizing Network has an on-line petition to ask President Biden to commute their sentences https://catholicsmobilizing.org It would mean that their sentences would be reduced from capital punishment to life in prison. The next step would be to call or email the White House at 202-456-1111 or www.whitehouse.gov/get-involved/write-or-call/.