CASE Training


Mandatory Training for Parish Volunteers

In March 2021, the Diocese of Rochester updated its Volunteer Creating a Safe Environment (CASE) Policy to include ALL volunteers, not just those that work with children or vulnerable adults. The training is offered exclusively in an online platform.  This is in accordance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People promulgated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in 2002 and revised in 2018; ALL Volunteers, Employees (including: Clergy, Seminarians, Deacons, Woman Religious and Lay Employees) who work or volunteer in the Diocese of Rochester and its affiliated employers must complete MANDATORY training: Creating a Safe Environment Training (CASE – Volunteers), Safe Environment Training (SE – Employees), acknowledge the appropriate (Volunteer or Employee) Code of Conduct, and complete a Background Check prior to volunteer service or working within the Diocese.  These must be renewed every 3 years.  Minors will still need to sign a Volunteer Code of Conduct and complete a training session with Mrs. Piehler.

With the new policy, ushers, cantors, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, sacristans, office volunteers, Food Cupboard and Theo’s Closet volunteers along with Faith Formation and Youth Ministry volunteers are now required to be CASE trained,  . There is an exemption for money counters and committee members IF there are NO youth/children on the committee and the committee meets when NO youth/children are around.  Additionally, women and men’s groups that meet when NO youth/children are around and NO youth/children are in the group.  The exemption goes away if a vulnerable adult is a part of the committee or group.

Volunteers can access the training the link below or by contacting Maureen Piehler at 429-5650 or for information.  Before doing the training, please notify Maureen so that she can provide you with the Volunteer Code of Conduct you need to sign and explain the Background Check.

Since this training is mandatory, if a person does not agree to complete it, unfortunately, they can no longer volunteer.  We greatly appreciate the support of our volunteers and thank you so much for your service/ministry to our parish and pray that you will continue!


2022 Instructions for Online Teen Training

DORAE Background Check Notification Authorization for Volunteers

Volunteer Code of Conduct for Adults